Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Redeemed have come to dance!!!

What an amazing evening in the presence of the Lord!!!

I noticed something quite astounding tonight during worship at our church.  I have the extreme privilege of being our worship pastor so  lead worship a lot, and tonight was awesome because God met with us in a very real way.  The tricky thing about leading worship is that you have no control over what is going on.  You can be as prepared as you want to be but its God's job to reveal Himself to His people and when people experience God's revelation in their life its powerful to watch!!!

I love listening to His children sing, and I feel humbled that I get to play a small part in it ,but when people are moved by God, worship is truly happening.  It was great tonight because we saw God reveal Himself to other people and they responded accordingly-WITH HOLY AWE AND EXCITEMENT!!!  

What a great evening watching the redeemed revel in His goodness and praise His Glorious Name!!!


1 comment:

Banta143 said...

That sounds so awesome!! I love intimate worship too.. That's one thing my husband (who's also a worship leader) taught me about entering into the presence of God. I used to hit this "wall" with God, and I never really made it into the inner courts. I was in the outter courts with 'praise' mostly. Which has it's place! but I'm after the heart of God, and now when I worship I really seek after him more then I ever did before.
God is so awesome!!!