Monday, June 16, 2008

Every thirst

I got into one of my old school modes today where I listened to some old school worship, and by old school worship I mean late 90s to clarify!! haha

I'm so glad I did!!!  I was listening to "Enough" and as Chris Tomlin was belting out the lyrics I just suddenly felt comforted by the truths that drip out of that song.  God truly is enough in my life, and being content in that sounds so easy, but for some reason it gets muddied as we try to live it out loud in our lives.  "All of You is more than enough for all of me" is a simple truth that I complicate daily.  Not intentionally, but my lifes' actions show differently.  I act as if my life is the only one that matters, and while our surroundings tend to dictate how we live, they should never define how we live.  We are called to have a holy peripheral vision, to be aware of what God is doing in the lives of others.  I get so self absorbed that I probably neglect dozens of chances daily to experience a divine appointment!

I'm very small and very meek.  I need to live a life that's not so audaciously drawing attention to myself, and deflecting attention to the Almighty.  

Small and meek-it's not a bad thing

Not being that important-that's not a bad thing either


1 comment:

Dana said...

One day God had a beautiful and perfect image, that image was a person. He planned this person in every detail from the lines on his hands to the tone of his voice. That person's name is Travis Hastings, uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of God's love and grace. That my friend, makes you very important!